Post by kym on Jul 2, 2007 14:54:42 GMT -5
Kriss didn't see the tear, she was too preoccupied in her own thoughts. She watched him as he reached into his bag and pulled out a collapsible pot and readied the meat. She watched him for a second longer before looking towards the sky. It was probably a bit past noon, not like she really cared though. It didn't matter to her whether it was night or day. She sighed and faced him again.
"There's something I should tell you about myself. Please, just listen until I am finished." she said sadly. "As you already know, I was bing possessed, but what you don't know is that this possession in permanent, or near so anyways. It..it makes me kill..Noli, I want you to get out of here if my eyes turn red, alright? I don't want to hurt you or anyone else. I hate fighting, and this thing makes me do so." she said as she bit her lip, she hoped he wouldn't think of her as a monster and flee away, like all the others.
Post by sithhunter on Jul 2, 2007 15:36:19 GMT -5
Noli listened to her and thought Could she be a half demon? Noli turned around and faced her and said "If your eyes do turn red and you do get taken over by the demon.." NOli tried to put compassion in his eye's and words. "I wont run....i think you've had enough pepole run away and hate you....Now im no fourtune teller but...that's the way i see it." Noli looked into her eyes....her deep almost endless eyes...that seemed to have almost the slightest shade of red in them......
Post by kym on Jul 2, 2007 15:58:11 GMT -5
Kriss looked at him as he spoke, she was shocked, not sure about what to say to that. No one had ever said that to her. She tried to smile, 'I wonder, if what he says is really what he means.' she wondered to herself. He had been only kind to her, but still, she couldn't help but wonder. She looked away to the sky and said, "Thank you.." quietly, but probably loud enough for him to hear. Guess she should make him do anything, all she could do was hope that it didn't take over again, even though now she was struggling to keep it down.
She lied down onto the roses, even though their tiny needles prodded and stabbed at her skin and clothes. She closed her eyes and spoke again. "So, where do you think this place came from, Noli? It's unlike anything I've ever seen in this forest." she asked, changing the subject. At first, she didn't even want to be here, but she guessed it really wasn't all that bad, now.
Post by sithhunter on Jul 3, 2007 5:06:57 GMT -5
Noli wiped his hands off with a tear pf cloth he had found one day and said "I heard a story that forest sprites and tree spirits make hevanly places like these to relax and recoperate.....but in that story no mortal was allowed to se these places...."
Noli did anoth look around the surroundings and said "Or.....its the place demon's make that has surpasing appeal.....almost phasing....to lower you off your guard......then slay you..."
Noli smiled and retuned to the pot and went to the river and filled some water in it and came back to kayka and started to construct a small rack out of wood for the pot and said "we'll find out come sundown."
Post by kym on Jul 3, 2007 6:05:50 GMT -5
Kriss opened her eyes, looking up at the sky, watching as the clouds passed by and listening to Noli speak. She had heard of the tree sprites doing such, but what he said next was also true that no mortal had ever been able to see it. Kriss, who was still lying on the roses, looked over at Noli for a second as he spoke his opinion once more. She nodded,
"It's possible. We could both be in a trap that was, maybe, set by hundreds of them." she said, but she didn't really sound worried at all about that, she was actually feeling quite relaxed now. The demon had receded fully and allowed her to relax for a while. She was very happy about that. she caught a glimpse of Noli coming back over and sat up again.
She listened as he spoke and nodded her head. "I s'pose so," she said as she watched him set up the wood. "let's just hope it doesn't catch us too off guard." she said with a smile.
Post by sithhunter on Jul 3, 2007 6:19:11 GMT -5
Noli smiled as he put the pot on the rack and said "Dont worry serpent demon's arent good at ambushing pepole." Noli pointed to the ground where under te roses you could see what looked like large snakes resting amongst the rose stem's.
"But dont worr were not in any danger....these serpent's..." Noli siad as he heifted one up "Dont have fang's and feed on the sap from tree's......still.....i dont want to be stuck here come nightfall....or we'd be in some big trouble."
Noli reached into his bag and pulled out a small wooden spoon and some leaves and grass like stalks. Noli set then on his left hand and with his right hand took his knife and chopped the herbs up and sprinkled them into the stew.
Noi picked up the wooden spoon and started to stir the mix. then noli to two stones from the bag a started ti light the fire. "So." Noli said trying to carry a conversaion "Where are you from?"
Post by kym on Jul 3, 2007 6:38:17 GMT -5
Kriss listened as he spoke a nodded again, she hadn't had very many encounters with serpent demons, however she took his word on that. She looked down as he mentioned there being serpents beneath the roses. She gave a slight look of shock and spoke, "Wow, I didn't even sense them there!" she said, she watched them for a second longer before looking back up, "I guess there was something else on my mind." she said with a smile.
She could sense them now, but they were a little faint. She watched him cutting up the herbs to put in the stew, then she looked at the falls until she heard his speak again. "Yeah, we'll have to find a way out pretty soon." she agreed. Kriss looked at Noli and listened to what he said next. 'So, where are you from?' he had asked. Kriss looked down at the ground and said sadly, "From a village that was close to here." she emphasized the word 'was' when she spoke, referring to a village that had been slain a few years back. But the reason she found this so sad, was because it was her fault, it had been she who killed most of the villagers. She tried to to talk about that part of her life too much, but she spoke when necessary.
Post by sithhunter on Jul 3, 2007 6:52:03 GMT -5
Noli looked at her in shock "You to huh?" He asked her. "I had a village near here to......It was destroyed by demon's.....I survived....becasue i was sent on a mission....by the time i came back..." Noli stopped talking and started to stir the stew and started to stare off into space.
A few minuets later noli spoke up again "When i came back the village was still burning...i..i hunted down every demon i could find that was invoved.....after that i...I kept killing...i didnt matter if they were invovled in the slaughter of my village or not.....as long as i could make them suffer as i did....and i would kill them....not just them but...there young there mates....it dident matter....it was like i....needed...blood."
Noli looked twoards kayka and said "After a while i finaly regained my senses and....well i hate myself for what i had become....i swore that day.....i would never lose myslef to my hate and anger..." Noli looked at kriss and almost regreted telling her....if she ever had a reson to shun or slay him now she had it.......
Post by kym on Jul 3, 2007 7:10:02 GMT -5
Kriss sighed, 'So, he too has know the pain of losing a village..' she thought to herself, she listened as he carried on, it seemed as though he had a hard time getting over is loss, though she was still getting over hers. It was something that she couldn't just wipe away, it was to painful to remember, but it was too painful to forget ether. She looked at him with very little emotion on her face, but her eyes were still silver.
"Hatred blinds people in fury, and they have no idea what their doing. A soul once the kindest in the village could turn into a rampaging killer if something dreaded, such as a murder in the family, happens. That person is so overwhelmed in its rage that all it wants is revenge. Whether its to the innocent or not." she said, emotionlessly.
She looked up at the sky and spoke again, "There was only one surviver in my village, and it's not me. I do not count myself as a surviver...because it was I who caused it. That surviver was my best friend." she said, slowly. She looked back at him, wondering what his response would be.
Post by sithhunter on Jul 3, 2007 7:14:34 GMT -5
Now noli looked a little less sad but curious now. "Who was this friend of your's?" Noli knew it wasent much to ask but at least it was something, So she to understand's the path of pain.....and hatred....A path...that i've yet to get off of. Noli thought as he watched kriss as noli absentmindedly stirred the stew.
Post by kym on Jul 3, 2007 7:20:50 GMT -5
Kriss listened to him as he asked the question. A simple yet understandable one, "She's a half demon, named Kayka. She often travels with a wolf she calls, Kyy." she answered softly. She wondered how she was doing right now. She looked up at the sky and watch a cloud or two pass until her neck began to ache from looking up so long, then she returned her gaze to Noli once again.
((-.- .....shortness....))
Post by sithhunter on Jul 3, 2007 7:38:32 GMT -5
Noli Looked at kriss "I had a freind like that to....her name was sango...her father was trainging me to be a demon slayer....we practicly did everything together ever sence we were little kids....we trained together we ate togehther and like many other kids in out village we even bathed and slept together....."
Noli turned away and stirred the pot again. "One thing...one thought i cant stand yet it is constnantly on my mind...is that i faild not only my village....my freinds...but her....i feel like...i let them...like i let her die....."
Post by kym on Jul 3, 2007 7:47:47 GMT -5
She listened to him speak, waiting until he was completely finished before answering. "Don't blame yourself, Noli. If you had been there you'd have probably been dead too, and I'm sure your friend wouldn't have wanted that. It wasn't your fault she died, trust me, I would know." she said.
She knew how it felt to really be to blame, it was like you wanted to die, you yearned for it. She closed her eyes and waited for his response, if he had one.
Post by sithhunter on Jul 3, 2007 7:55:47 GMT -5
"feeling gulty.." Noli said with a sad expression "Is worse that acctualy Begin giulty.....it's like being dead.....but still breathing...still moveing...though you dont know why......you dont stop...you dont stop the fight...the struggle to survive...it's something were all plauged with.....the will to survive" Noli noticed a smell...a burning smell! "FRAXAIAN!" Noli cursed as he quicly stirred the stew and puored the contents into two wood bowl's and pulled out little forks put one in each bowl and handed kriss one.
Post by kym on Jul 3, 2007 8:02:56 GMT -5
She listened to him as he spoke, it was probably true, but still, being the cause seemed worse to her. Maybe it was because it was the only thing she knew. She jumped a little as he cursed to himself. 'Strange word,' she thought to herself, but she didn't say anything about it. She took the bowl when he handed it to her and thanked him with a smile. She blew on a piece and ate it, "It's good. Thank you, Noli." she said, truthfully.